BMT Day 28 (The End)

Day 28 (May 10, 2022, Tuesday) Final day!! WOW, an excellent adventure indeed! .  . Left camp early this morning. We plan to get up super early so we can hike the final 8 miles and meet Audrey at Springer Mountain Trail head. Audrey is picking us up today May 10...

BMT Day 27 (BMT/AT Juncture)

Day 27 (May 9, 2022, Monday) daybreak..   . We are in the single digits to Springer Mountain.             Today is our first lollygagging day since there is no rush to be back in GA. “Lisa sat on hold for 10 minutes to get Erin‘s flowers...

BMT Day 26 (Mother’s Day)

Day 26 (May 8, 2022, Sunday)     “It was a pretty soggy day it was wet when we got up and we got a little drizzle off and on but overall it was a great day to be hiking because we had a lot of hills to climb and we didn’t meet any other hikers until we were...

BMT Day 25 (Triathlon)

Day 25 (May 7, 2022, Saturday) our camp site . .   . “The triathlon is in Blue Ridge and three people have walked by before 7 AM, thank you for waking us up Haha. People running by all the time for a competition maybe a navigational and or triathlon yeah something...

BMT Day 24 (Blue Ridge)

Day 24 (May 6, 2022, Friday) Cloudy cool morning at the shelter we had to ourselves. .     . A beautiful hike and the easy walking road and the store closed at five but we were able to re-supply and they had wonderful cake at the store. We had considered stopping at...

BMT Day 23 (Shelter & Sacred Turtle Shell)

Day 23 (May 5, 2022, Thursday) “Whew! This was a long day. Oh yeah we made it to the shelter, the shelter was really nice.” The trail maintenance in Georgia has been really nice.   Magical ferns everywhere!          .   . Flora abounds, new varieties and some...
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