what is Fernhead?
Author of "Coming Up Unstuck"
Fernhead Definition
Fern: a flowerless spore-producing plant; especially: plants possessing roots, stems, and leaf like fronds.
Head: the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, a: intellect, b: mental qualities, c: mental or emotional control, poise, d: headache. The chief sense organs, including the mouth and ears.
Fernhead: Fern + head. Replacing one’s head with a fern. Breathing and releasing all thoughts, being still. Allowing grateful joy and listening for what’s next from within.
I am not my thoughts. I am my being.
*definition from Coming Up Unstuck, by Lisa Yvonne.
What is Fernhead to you?
Share your experiences of Fernhead – travel virtually here to kick-start your adventures: take a day hike, find a weekend getaway, get on a 30 day or 6 month trail or go anywhere in the world. Expand your perspective and well-being with travel!
Did you find your Fernhead experience on the Vermont Long Trail? Tag your travels on Instagram @fernheadtravels so your stories can be re-posted!
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Get out of your head, into your body and BE HAPPY!
Live your best life and discover that You Matter. Your Choices Matter. Find your happiness within. Be Your Own Hero and Create the life you want!
Thank you for stopping by, I look forward to hearing your stories! Connect with me here if you’d like to chat further.

You can travel too!
Travel expands us and shows us that although each culture or community has a unique way of living, basically it seems we all want to be happy and safe, connect with others, and take care of our friends and families.
Recent Travels
Vermont Long Trail June 30 – Aug 3, 2024
Benton McKaye (mc-eye) Trail Spring 2022
BMT Day 28 (The End)
“We started to beg for food at the parking lot; but held off and had a wonderful celebration late lunch with Audrey at Longhorns. Yum Yum!”
BMT Day 27 (BMT/AT Juncture)
“We finally saw a warrior chipmunk! He ran off and he did not charge us, Lisa was very scared.”
BMT Day 26 (Mother’s Day)
“We had a great fire oh great fire and ken made a beautiful Mother’s Day plant and we discovered an alien and a poodle embedded in a tree when we walked to the bridge to see the sunset – we came up with a whole biology for the alien and his hate for poodles LOL”