Day 21 (May 3, 2022, Tuesday)

9:45 am back to Thunder Rock campground, started hiking at 10am and uphill 2200 feet. Fairly uneventful day.     

We discovered that Tennesseans (and their trees) do not like signs!












While various fern types seem to live in harmony with each other and their environment.

Humans have much to learn from ferns!









“we saw one big huge squashing poop yeah we heard what we think were a tribe of pigs we’ve been following for the last 200+ miles probably the same family that we first saw.

they like Lisa they like the company of Ken and Lisa they like our company they saw us early on and said we’re gonna stick with them.”

which (the poop that is) could be the marker that is laid down there as if to say – do you see this? This is where I live y’all stay on that side that’s right poop yeah don’t come over here.”

New hypothesis that the many sighted longer oval poop is probably Pig, while Bear poop is likely the round squashy ploppy shaped, more like a chocolate kiss.

The first day we didn’t carry extra water and the first two springs had been dry. The app said this one would have water and we made it down and we haven’t seen what the next place looks like but it’s highly unlikely to have water.


“we’re going to probably die of dehydration so this is a record of our last day.”

We had a lovely evening at our campsite 😍

11.8 miles

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