Day 17 (April 29, 2022, Friday)
It’s a beautiful ridge walk day! Mountains of North Carolina on the left and Tennessee on the right. We got up and left our beautiful virgin campsite at 8:35 am and we are hiking along and really proud of our campsite.
We hiked 15.4 miles, took an hour break and had dinner. While there, a couple of vehicles pulled in. One driver stopped to crush an empty beer can which he left behind and the other driver saw us and quickly pulled back onto the road. We then hiked an additional 4.4 miles during the night for a whopping 19.8 mile day. We arrived at Coker Creek Campsite at 11pm. Ken realized the whole forest is covered in MILLIONS of spider’s!
“We saw lots of spider’s eyes reflecting light from our headlamps. Spooky! “
We thought the chimney was a great campsite that we did not stay at because it was too early in the day to stop. More variations of the highest frequency flowers! Want to uplift your spirits? Hang around flowers!
We camped by the river and there were some partiers down the way who told us about a waterfall. There was a lot of glass at Coker Creek Campsite.
“We each carried an extra liter of water because the app Farout (previously known as Guthook) said no water and there were eight streams! What in the world?”
First time we shared a campsite with other campers. We saw no other hikers all day.
19.8 miles, first night hike!