Day 16 (April 28, 2022, Thursday)


Today we woke up super early and got on the trail at 8:13, and instead of continuing our poop quest, we switched over to Hedrick the Hiking Horse storyline. Hedrick has many adventures of which we shall write about in the future…

We met Stealth Camper and she was at Katahdin the day after Ken in 2021. Ken probably shouldn’t say anymore because she’s a stealth camper lol.

Ferns of many kinds greeted us and there were several Fairy Fields of Ferns waving as we walked alongside the trail.


“We forded many streams today and Lisa didn’t fall yay!!”


We cleaned up the campsite and setup a beautiful oval campsite fire ring and made a nice space for somebody to use..

and there is a couch yeah really nice and we left decorations beautiful driftwood oh yeah that’s beautiful with the rocks and rose quarts in the fire ring.”

11.46 miles

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