Day 15 (April 27, 2022, Wednesday)
Met TeePee Walker at the parking lot waiting for Lisa and Aaron to arrive.
Lisa and Aaron were wonderful trail angels and gave us all this amazing food, salad, chicken salad.. and brought cushions for us to sit on during our picnic. (see Ken below) And sunscreen, and an umbrella, and laughter, and hugs, and more food.
Note: a Great bakery to go to called Telico Grains
Had a spectacular mileage of 3.6 (all uphill), after meeting Aaron and Lisa.
We gathered evidence of some of the poop sitings. Is it Hog? or is it Bear?
“We made an altar for the bear poop and had a wonderful ceremony in the daytime without a light yes I need to get closer so it catches years of consciousness.”
And we had potato salad and chicken salad for dinner; and burned all the trash and made a little baby fire and had a blissful evening
“we should be nicer to the tent where are you, here, your sleeping liner is split up the sides, but we were very happy and slept very well.”
3.6 miles, technically more of a 0 day lol